Spills happen. But for some reason, spills, mistakes, blunders, snafus, mess-ups, do-overs and screw-ups happen more to children and adults with ADD.
Check these sign and symptoms and take this simple test to determine if might have ADD.
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be very debilitating disorders if not carefully managed and supported.
If not diagnosed and treated, a teenager can grow into an adult who has accumulated years of failure, missed opportunities, damaged self-esteem and possible drug and alcohol abuse. Careers, work and home life can suffer greatly.
Fortunately, there are answers. I provide a comprehensive approach to managing and overcoming ADD and ADHD in young adults. It takes a team approach to be successful, coordinating with family, school, psychiatrists and ADD coaches.
Once, ADD is identified and managed, the true benefits of ADD emerge. Creativity, out of the box thinking, drive, passion, invention, and leadership are just some of the gifts of ADD.
Call me at 646-418-5035 to unlock your true potential.